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Featured Scientist
Lih-Juan ChanLin, Ph.D.

College of Education

Distinguished  Professor 

Department of Library and Information Science

Personal Website

Educational technology and Social engagement

  Graduated from the University of Georgia, USA in 1993, Dr. Lih-Juan ChanLin is one of the pioneer scholars specializing in integrating computer technology into the learning settings in higher education in Taiwan. ChanLin specialized in research on the application of multimedia, computer graphics and visual design in learning and communication to help students interpret and understand scientific concepts. Her research also seeks for technology integration to enhance students’ learning performance about specific knowledge areas. In addition to multimedia, visual literacy, media literacy and digital literacies, ChanLin also drawn theoretical foundations from program-based and project-based learning in teaching of scientific knowledge. From the approach, students develop skills and ability to synthesize and elaborate knowledge, to engage in scientific exploratory tasks, and to use the technology for supporting and reporting their research work.



  ChanLin studied in creative and effective teaching, she investigated teaching strategies used by the awarded teachers in K-12 level. Results revealed that the basis for the development of creative thinking within education are student-centered activities, connection between teaching contents and real life, management of skills in class, openended questions, an encouragement of creative thinking and use of technology and multimedia. With such, teacher’s support in relation to providing coaching skills is crucial to students’ success in learning.  ChanLin also practice her teaching with flipped classroom and adopted innovative approach to engage college students in global community.  Students are encouraged to be ready as the world citizen to serve others and collaborate with people around the world.



  Social responsibility is one of that mission that Fu Jen Catholic University advocating. To bridge the digital divide and learning gap among children in remote areas, online tutoring services have been initiated for after-school learning in remote schools.  The FJCU has integrated service learning into the curriculum or promoted service learning as volunteer activities in enhancing cognitive development and growth among college students. ChanLin investigates college students’ involvement in e-tutoring children in remote areas. Issued related to service learning, distant services and equity of access, e-tutoring initiative, and students’ experiences are addressed. Findings revealed college students’ engagement in the e-tutoring task include the following: motive to serve, competence building, responsibility and self-discipline for serving, development of positive values from serving. In her recent research effort in the area about bridging digital divide via mobile reading and teaching, college students are invited to serve as an information volunteers in promoting reading in elementary schools and public libraries.



  With the advancement of augmented reality (AR), she extend her research to exploring the augmented reality (AR) technology in both nutrition learning (for college level) and reading (for elementary level). Recent advances in augmented reality (AR) have attracted much attention in nutrition and healthcare education. In the context of obtaining dietary knowledge, a mobile AR system was developed for learning and exploration, which allowed students to scan food images, receive information about nutrient content and record as well as accumulate daily nutrient intake. Students could also access learning materials provided in the system to achieve the learning objectives. Students’ epistemological assessment indicated an improvement in learning after the use of the AR system was studied. Students gradually gained awareness of dietary knowledge and changed their perceptions of their dietary behaviors.



  In K-12 educational settings, physical objects or artwork are commonly used to convey meanings. These designs can be enhanced in ways which provide dynamic information overlay and context for children’s story reading.  A mobile AR story library was developed for children’s reading. An AR platform was used for presenting story video clips. With children invited to immerse themselves in the artwork and stories in the library, specific research issues were explored, including: implementation AR reading and children’s reactions toward AR reading. Themes for scaffolding children’s reading in the mobile AR reading environment are summarized. It was observed that adults learned to use the AR mobile application and set up physical reading spaces (the library and classrooms) for children. When children were reading with AR, adults provided guidance and support for scaffolding children’s reading processes. The children were positive about the use of tablet with AR for reading stories and enjoyed reading the story content triggered by the AR technology.

